
日前召開(kāi)的政協第十三屆全國委員會(huì)第十四次主席會(huì)議(yì),審議(yì)通過了(le)關于召開(kāi)政協第十三屆全國委員會(huì)第二次會(huì)議(yì)的決定(草案),全國政協十三屆二次會(huì)議(yì)3月10日下(xià)午3點在人民大(dà)會(huì)堂舉行第三次全體會(huì)議(yì)。800多家航空(kōng)制造商,同時(shí)還會(huì)舉行超過1000場豐富多彩的通用(yòng)航空(kōng)普及教育、論壇和(hé)商務交流活動。EAA AirVenture已成爲通用(yòng)航空(kōng)領域的“麥加”,是業内了(le)解國際通用(yòng)航空(kōng)發展現(xiàn)狀的最佳平台。
The flying conference racket from around the world, flying enthusiasts gathered, coincides with the summer weather is hot, still could not withstand the enthusiasm of participants. Zhao Zong for watching the wonderful flight stunt at the same time, also visited many famous international aircraft and Avionics Manufacturers Exhibition, such as Textron Inc, diamond aircraft company, Derek avionics, and conducted in-depth exchanges of characteristics, types and equipment technology industry development present situation and other issues,
and further promote the study together business docking and cooperation at the end of the exhibition, visit the international cooperation business follow-up development has created a lot of opportunities, a solid foundation for the company in the field of general aviation development steadily.
自(zì)三多年前創立以來(lái),空(kōng)客一直與中東和(hé)北非(曼娜)地區(qū)保持着日益增長的夥伴關系。從(cóng)第一次以一個放(fàng)置在1978 A300飛(fēi)機,今天近700架飛(fēi)機已交付1200多架飛(fēi)機已下(xià)令在該地區(qū)的航空(kōng)公司。十年前,空(kōng)客做出了(le)戰略決定,在迪拜機場自(zì)由區(qū)建立空(kōng)中客車中東分公司。這(zhè)是由于該地區(qū)航空(kōng)運輸業前所未有的增長,地理(lǐ)位置和(hé)快(kuài)速發展的經濟發展。
Since its creation over three decades ago, Airbus has enjoyed an ever-growing partnership with the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. From the first order for an A300 aircraft placed in 1978, today nearly 700 aircraft have been delivered and more than 1,200 aircraft have been ordered by airlines in the region.Airbus has evolved into a key element of the flourishing airline industry in the MENA region with cutting-edge products and reliable services.
A decade ago, Airbus made a strategic decision to create an Airbus Middle East subsidiary based in the Dubai Airport Free Zone. This is due to the region’s unprecedented growth in air transportation sector, geographical location and fast paced economic development..
The flying conference racket from around the world, flying enthusiasts gathered, coincides with the summer weather is hot, still could not withstand the enthusiasm of participants. Zhao Zong for watching the wonderful flight stunt at the same time, also visited many famous international aircraft and Avionics Manufacturers Exhibition,
and further promote the study together business docking and cooperation at the end of the exhibition, visit the international cooperation business follow-up development has created a lot of opportunities, a solid foundation for the company in the field of general aviation development steadily.


